A claim is the occurrence of any unforeseen event or phenomenon that causes damage to the insured in your Sombrero Seguros policy
It is a document that informs the insured, his surety’s and coverage, as well as the rights and duties of each involved.
It is the communication to SOMBRERO Seguros about the occurrence of any unforeseen event(s) issued in the policy.
In the event of a claim, you must immediately contact SOMBRERO Seguros. Call 08007499090.
After contacting SOMBRERO Seguros to report the occurrence of a claim, all you need to do is preserve the area in the sense of not carrying out any procedure that could prevent the experts from evaluating the causes and extent of the event.
It is through this inspection that the damage report necessary for the payment of indemnity will be prepared.
SOMBRERO Seguros will have a deadline of 30 (thirty) days to settle the claim, starting from the submission of all the main documentation requested for the regulation and settlement of the claim.
In case you want to purchase insurance, regardless of your modality or coverage, it is necessary to do so through a brokerage or insurance broker (which are companies and professionals legally authorized to intermediate the process).
This is a rule of SUSEP, the body responsible for the control and inspection of the insurance, open private pension, capitalization, and reinsurance markets, created by Decree-law n. 73, of November 21, 1966.
Besides that, the broker is not just a person who will sell you the insurance. He is a consultant with vast technical knowledge who will be capable of presenting you with the best options for your needs.
Endorsement is the document through which SOMBRERO Seguros will effect any changes that may be necessary during the term of your insurance contract.
In some cases, endorsements can cause a change in the price of the insurance, as there is a risk, as there is a change in the risk initially calculated. This price change can increase or decrease, depending on what was requested.
There are also, however, endorsements that do not generate differences in values, such as corrections in the name of the recipient (which may contain typing errors), the numbering of personal documents, etc.
Weather conditions and large price variations directly affect the economic profitability of the agricultural sector. In this context, AGRICULTURE INSURANCE is a very important resource to provide stability to crop procedures.
With SOMBRERO Seguros AGRICULTURE INSURANCE, for example, you can rest easy. It reduces production, revenue, costing, and even climatic indices risks, protecting the insured against various natural events and phenomena.
Besides the agricultural and livestock activities, SOMBRERO Seguros Agriculture Insurance also protects the producer’s assets, the cost of farming, its billing or revenue, productivity, in addition to machines and equipment.
Consult now a SOMBRERO Seguros broker and become secure!
AGRICULTURE INSURANCE has specific products for each stage of the production chain. They range from the planting, going through the storage of inputs and goods to the beneficiation and processing of products. At SOMBRERO Seguros, you will find AGRICULTURE INSURANCE in the following modalities:
Cost Crop Insurance
Productivity Crop Insurance
Revenue Crop Insurance
Climate Index or Parametric Insurance
Improvements and Agricultural Product Insurance
Livestock Insurance
Surety Bond
Yes. In line with our socio-environmental policy, SOMBRERO Seguros does not issue policies to cover recently deforested areas.
SOMBRERO Seguros’ SURETY BOND, in short, is a tool that builds trust and makes business possible.
It is a type of insurance that aims to ensure full compliance with contractual obligations established between two parties. Such as when a company hires another to perform a service and requests the existence of a surety regarding the fulfillment of a project.
In addition, many companies also use SURETY BONDS to guarantee legal proceedings, including labor claims. In these cases, SURETY BONDS can replace the value of the deposit in court, enabling the company that offered the surety to appeal a court decision without mobilizing money from its ATM.
The use of SURETY BONDS is legally recognized and regulated by SUSEP (the body responsible for controlling and supervising the insurance markets) through Circular n. 477/2013.
When a person hires automobile insurance, he pays a certain amount to the insurance company for the protection of his vehicle. Thus, in the occurrence of an eventual accident, he receives an indemnity to cover the damages suffered by the insured asset. In SURETY BONDS, the mechanics are different.
SURETY BOND is a type of insurance that aims to guarantee full compliance with contractual obligations established between two parties. That is, it does not cover the damage. It covers responsibilities.
In a nutshell, the company providing the service is the one who hires the insurance and pays for it, when obliged (often in a bidding notice) to offer a surety that the service will be provided in full.
Thus, in the occurrence of an eventual claim, the hiring company is the one who receives the indemnity – which required the presentation of the surety.
Want to increase your company’s perceived reliability? Hire SOMBRERO Seguros SURETY BOND.
On one hand, more security or safety for public and private institutions that wish to hire your company to build, manufacture, supply, or provide services. On the other hand, a solid differential against its competitors.
A surety bond can only be hired by legal entities. The insured, however, can be an individual or legal entity, public or private.