
Professional Civil Liability

Professional Civil Liability

The Professional Civil Liability Insurance is a protection against losses and damages caused to third parties to practicing professionals. It is indicated to self-employed professionals and to small and medium enterprises that offer diverse professional services, such as doctors, other health professionals, engineers, and architects.

About the Insurance



Individual or legal entity who, having insurable interest, acquires the insurance for its own or third parties’ benefit.



Third parties’ coverage regarding damages caused throughout the provision of professional services of which the Assured is held civilly liable according to the terms of the hired coverages and Policy.


Covered Perils:

Civil judicial proceedings and/or administrative procedures proposed by third parties towards the Assured, intending to hold him civilly liable for material and/or esthetic and/or moral and/or bodily damages;
defense costs exclusively designated to the Assured advocacy process, provided they are resulting from a triggering event.



Third party who suffered damages caused by the Assured.



The occurrence of a risk covered by the policy.



Payment up to the maximal limit on the insurance policy (or up to the maximal indemnification limit per acquired coverage), of the amounts the Assured was sentenced to pay to injured third parties.

SUSEP Circular No 621/2021 – Art. 5: The insurance proposal and contract conditions
shall inform, in accordance with the remaining requirements included in current regulation, the following:

I – the acceptance of the insurance proposal is subject to risk analysis;
II – product registration is automatic, and does not indicate approval nor
recommendation from Susep; and
III – the policyholder may verify the status of both the insurance broker’s registration and the insurer’s registration at the website www.susep.gov.br.

§ 2: The information in the item II above shall be inserted, necessarily, in each and every marketing and advertising material used.


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